Sunday, June 24, 2007

How Well in the Digital Advertising Media Doing?

While the established advertising media try to downplay the significance and impact of Digital signage, here is the latest projection for North America.

Report: One million digital signs in North America by 2009 - Digital Signage Today Report: One million digital signs in North America by 2009Digital Signage Today - Jun 21, 2007Interest in large screens and high definition televisions high-definition televisions is creating increased growth in the display market. HDTVs are growing more than twice as quickly ...Source:

No surprise to us, but we in Newfoundland as in most of North America, are still a long way from fully understanding the potential and benefits of digital signage. For example did you know that viewers of digital signage have a much higher brand retention than TV. It's True source POPAL a US independent advertising surveying firm.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

How do you know when Digital Advertising has finally attained universal acceptance? Answer: When Muzak is added.

It's finally happened!

Digital Signage Today, has learned that Muzak, a pioneer in the field of in-store audio and a true household name, is entering the digital signage business.
The company is set to announce a partnership with Microspace, a provider of point-to-multipoint satellite services. According to a source with Muzak, the goal of the partnership is "to provide retailers with the best of digital audio and digital signage in one solution."
"Muzak has determined that their customer base has been asking for digital signage capabilities, but has elected not to internally move into that space," the source said. "However, in working with Microspace to digitally deliver some of their audio solutions, Muzak has chosen to offer digital signage solutions through Microspace's services. I think it's a great start into a trend of using audio combined with digital signage."

See complete article at

Personally I feel that this is an excellent move. What ever your personal opinion of Muzak is I feel they will definately enhance this medium. My clients have been asking about audio prompting at the beginning of ad's and also about adding sound bites or music. In a mall setting, for eg in a food court, audio has to compete with so many others, that adding audio has not been practical. However, in a retail store setting, a restaurant, a beauty parlor and similar locations selected music can greatly enhance the digital image. We have had favorable responses from men's wear stores and high end beauty parlors on this point.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Advertising: When is a good deal not a good deal?

In an effort to stimulate slow winter business, Judy (not real name) decided to do a Saturday radio remote location blitz. It bombed, fell flat, just didn't work. She explained to me that it was a considerably amount of money for a small business and while she thought "any advertising is good" this just wasn't the best "bang for the buck".

It's a Saturday, May 07, I'm driving to our summer place for the traditional Newfoundland fishing weekend and I hear a live remote radio commercial from......, you guessed it, the same client.

Mid week following I couldn't resist dropping by and asking them, "how did the remote go". " Terrible" they said, "just didn't work for us". So I had to ask: " if it didn't work this past winter, it didn't seem to be a fit for your busines, the cost was high for you, why did you do it again?"

She replied: " There was a promotion, they threw in a couple of mid week time spots" and she added the killer line: " it was 30% less than their regular price and WE COULDN'T RESIST, IT WAS SUCH A GREAT DEAL"

In my experience advertising is a great deal - when it works. There is a common misconception that advertising doesn't have to be measurable and any advertising is "getting your name out there" or it's "top of the mind". If you are one of the giants, Coke, IBM etc. not a bad strategy. But if you are a small business yes, you have to brand, and yes, you have to be visable, but your main purpose for advertising should be to create new customers, re-contact existing clients and, yes create revenue

Our advice, ask questions. Ask, "Who has advertised with you in our industry?" Then contact them and ask how their results were. Ask, " Do you have a program to test market our product?" Good advertising firms know that if they "place themselves in their clients shoes" and offer the right advice to the client, then they will have a customer for life and good repeat business. That is what you do in your business, so expect the same from your advertising firm.

It's YOUR MONEY, think smart. Advertising today, in general, cost more and the results are less than years ago. Markets are fragmented. We are exposed to 1000's of advertisements a day. You "have" to find an advertising niche today and find what works for your firm. Test, test, test. There are basically three factors that influnce an advertisement's effectiveness. They are, the medium, the message and the timing. Test all three.

So when is advertising a good deal? When it works for you and it increases your business.... bottom line.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Digital advertising is the newest and most creative, dynamic and flexable advertising vehicle available today. Advertising has desperately needed a fresh face. Unlike most traditional advertising outlets (i.e. television and radio), using digital technology provides businesses with a highly dynamic and cost-effective advertising vehicle that reaches specific specific a specific location. This is called Digital Advertising?

Digital advertising has the power to advertise your product or service in front of the right customers at the right time in the right location and with the right message that delivers measurable results!

Years ago we had 2 tv stations in Newfoundland now people have as many as 300 channels available per day. The audience is fragmented into specialized channels so how do you reach the people you traditionally reached? Radio and newspaper advertising is no exception. These are good and traditional advertising mediums and they still have their place, but many people are finding that they are spending more money on advertising and their results are less.

Communicating your advertising message can be done in many different ways and by using endless types of marketing vehicles. However, none are as effective as digital advertising. Digital advertising is similar to television advertising as it is a visual media; however, digital advertising reaches your target audience in a more cost-effective, highly targeted manner, it allows you to focus in on a specific type of customer and reach them on a one-to-one interactive basis.

Hartfford Media Group Inc. Newfoundland's Premier Provider of Digital Signage

In 2005 we created Hartfford Media Group Inc. to introduce Digital Signage to the Newfoundland marketplace. As of May 2007, we now have digital signage in the Avalon Mall, Marie's Mini Marts (Conception Bay South, Manuels Esso) Marie's Mini Marts (Mount Pearl - corner of Ruth and Moores Dr.) Cowan Plaza Bingo, Bergs Famous Ice Cream, The Woods Golf Course and upcoming Ches' Fish & Chips.
Each week thousands of people stand in front of our screens. We show over 450,000 full color video images a month. We look back and think about the first month we started, we had less than 8,000 video images shown. Digital Advertising has proven to be extremely effective throughout North America and is the fastest growing segment of the advertising business in a highly fragmented advertising marketplace. If you want information about this medium give me Jim Hart, a call at (709) 743-0398 or office (709) 364-5552